Usage example

Cursor themes made by CursorXP/FX to X11 Mouse Theme Converter are not listed in gnome-appearance-properties(Appearance Preferences). This is because the size of left_ptr of the theme is not one of {12,16,24,32,36,40,48,64}px as is mentioned in Xのマウスカーソルのサイズについて(Sorry, Japanese only). I'm going to take Vienna3 as an example to solve this problem.

$ []wget ''[]
$ []unzip[]
$ []ls[]
[]Vienna3.tar.gz[] []...abbrev...[]
$ []tar -zxf Vienna3.tar.gz -C ~/.icons/[]
[]expand into "~/.icons/". This operation is equal to use GUI(gnome-appearance-properties). []
$ []mkdir work; cd work[]  []move to working directory[]
$ []xcur2png ~/.icons/Vienna3/cursors/left_ptr[]
[]Actually it's better to modify "4498f0e0c1937ffe01fd06f973665830" rather[]
[]than "left_ptr" in this case because the latter is a symbolic link to the formar,[]
[]but I do this here because it's commonly applicable operation.[]
$ []ls[]
[]left_ptr.conf[] []left_ptr_011.png left_ptr_023.png left_ptr_035.png[]
[]left_ptr_000.png left_ptr_012.png left_ptr_024.png left_ptr_036.png[]
$ []cat left_ptr.conf[]

1 7 2 left_ptr_000.png 5
1 7 2 left_ptr_001.png 5

$ []perl -i -pe '@^1@32@g' left_ptr.conf[]
[]change the size of "left_ptr" from 1 to 32.[]
See []about format of config-file.[]
$ []cat left_ptr.conf[]

32 7 2 left_ptr_000.png 5
32 7 2 left_ptr_001.png 5

$ []mogrify -crop 32x32+0+0 left_ptr_*.png[]
[]you don't need to cut the size of images into 32x32 like this,[]
[]but I do because of my mental health.;-)[]
$ []xcursorgen left_ptr.conf left_ptr[]
[]make X cursor as the name of left_ptr[]
$ []mv left_ptr.conf ~/.icons/Vienna3/cursors/left_ptr[]
[]write accomplished left_ptr over original place. []
With that, You will see Vienna3 listed in "Appearance".

In passing, "Button" and "03b6e0fcb3499374a867c041f52298f0" of Vienna3 are broken. It will be fixed in the same way as マウスカーソルテーマGreen Apparatus(Sorry, Japanese only).