
以前からFluxboxのマニュアルなどを読むと「transient window」なる言葉が出てきてよく意味が分からなかったが、最近GTK+のマニュアルに以下の記述を発見した。
GTK+ Reference Manual

Dialog windows should be set transient for the main application window they were spawned from. This allows window managers to e.g. keep the dialog on top of the main window, or center the dialog over the main window.



Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual

The WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property (of type WINDOW) contains the ID of another top-level window. The implication is that this window is a pop-up on behalf of the named window, and window managers may decide not to decorate transient windows or may treat them differently in other ways. In particular, window managers should present newly mapped WM_TRANSIENT_FOR windows without requiring any user interaction, even if mapping top-level windows normally does require interaction. Dialogue boxes, for example, are an example of windows that should have WM_TRANSIENT_FOR set.
